I can only assume that to justify something that is so completely unjustifiable one must turn to fear tactics. And fear is certainly a very powerful tool, especially thanks to American life over the last, say, five or six years.
The “logical” way to morally justify prying into someone’s private life is just start throwing around words and phrases like “aiding terrorists” and “9/11”. It is perfectly legal and acceptable for the US government to eavesdrop and spy on those known or suspect to have terrorist intentions WITH A WARRANT.
This system was set up decades ago in order to permit the government to keep tabs on those “bad guys” while maintaining the integrity of our laws and constitution. From what I’ve read, the superior court who approves and disapproves these warrants that allow the government to spy on people has only given the thumbs down for a handful while giving the green light for hundreds of thousands.
This is where there’s an issue with some people. It does not seem incredibly difficult to take the necessary steps in order to obtain a spying warrant, so where’s the problem? Why scrap a law that was put in place about 30 years ago just out of the blue? Serious damage has been sustained by America by way of terrorism, namely the destruction of the WTC back in 2001. This would at least encourage a more stringent plan for thwarting terrorist, which I am in total support of across the board. We don’t need another 9/11, that’s for damn sure. But I don’t like the fact that George W. Bush and his cronies basically decided they didn’t need to get approval for spying. It was okay now that Americans have suffered a substantial loss at the hands of terrorist. If fingers are pointed (which they were after all this eavesdropping and spying business went public and flew to the forefront of our society) just play the 9/11 card.
It seems to me, and many others regardless of political or professional association, that whenever the Bush administration is put under any kind of scrutiny they spin the situation to make it appear as though those criticizing are anti-American or pro-terrorist. After all, it’s so easy. “What? You don’t approve of the US Government spying on Americans to detect terrorists? Then what are you hiding? If you aren’t with us, you’re against us and therefore a terrorist.”And so goes on the black and white, cut and dry views of our unparalleled leaders. Personally, I have nothing to hide from the government wishing to spy upon me. I’m not planning to blow stuff up or kill anyone. Just not my bag, baby.
So why does the thought of knowing that my government can (or has!) eavesdropped on my phone calls or emails bother me so much? HELLO!? It’s a very unnerving feeling knowing that the hierarchy I live my life under has such power and control.
The government just asks that we trust them to make the right decisions on who to listen to and who to ignore.
Trust? Trust an administration led by a President who’s dubious victory to gain office has been followed by years are deception and deceit? I’ve always thought that the Bush administration has had America by the balls and just continues to squeeze and squeeze.
For some reason, people don’t mind.
Republicans are using this extraordinary fiasco to their advantage… somehow. I find this amazing. If you disapprove of any practice by our current administration you are automatically un-American. If you’re against America, you MUST be a terrorist. Hey, not everything is so black and white.
Fear has become so ubiquitous in the last few years; I don’t see it subsiding until we find a president dedicated on a return to normalcy. That is, granting that the “global struggle against violent extremism” is over. Which it won’t.
Damn, I don’t have any answers.
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