Thursday, February 21, 2008

I heard "Bodysnatchers" at the Marlton Tavern last night

Granted, the upstairs bar had on 104.5, but to hear Radiohead's first single off their recently released In Rainbows is sort of exciting to me. I guess I'm a nerd, but I thought it was really cool. You may have heard the tune by now.

I haven't weighed in on this album yet, really, so here's my story.

I, like fans worldwide and people with their ear to the music scene, was shocked to see the announcement from Radiohead that essentially said: "We recorded an album, you can download it in 10 days for whatever price you choose."

Umm... hello!? Really? Despite hearing little bits here and there about their album in the works, the announcement came as a shock because things had been quiet for some time and there was no word in regards to mixing or mastering or anything. The at-the-time-untitled album wasn't expected for at least six months, I'd guess. Their brief announcement made headlines all over because they were releasing this album themselves - without a label - and anyone could download it for nothing (if they so desired).

I couldn't help but wonder if this recording had been haphazardly put together and quickly released. Would it be any good? The 2003 release of Hail To The Thief was greeted with a lot of enthusiasm - both from me and the nation media.

I'll admit it, I was skeptical.

Plus, what the hell was up with the name In Rainbows? Sounds pretty gay to me, I thought.

But the release day came and I hadn't made up my mind yet as to whether I was going to do the digital download thing or buck up and spend the dough for the "discbox" (an eleborately designed physical edition of the recording from the mind of Stanley Donwood that included a bonus disc but cost ... ehhem... 80 bucks).

That night, I got an IM from a very good friend. First of all, he hasn't liked Radiohead's last three albums and I'd say is more "appreciative" of their music but not necessarily a fan. Who can say Ok Computer is great though, right? I should add that while we don’t necessarily like all the same music, we do love a lot of the same bands. So this dude says the new Radiohead album is "amazing" and I can't believe what I'm reading. Really, dude? Amazing?

That was enough for me. I broke out the credit card and bought the discbox - which included a digital download of the album.

I put on my headphones and that was that. My boy Jimmy was right. Radiohead continued the trend of outdoing themselves once again. I think I remember shaking my head about half way through the relatively short 10 track album in disbelief. "How did they keep doing this?"


I read today they are rumored to be headlining not one, but two nights at the new All Points West Music & Arts Festival brought to Liberty State Park in gorgeous north Jersey on August 8, 9 and 10 by the Coachella organizers, AEG Live and Goldenvoice. The first time I witnessed the spectacle that is a Radiohead concert back in 2001, I was looking on from the grass of the same venue as Thom dedicated "No Surprises" to the Statue of Liberty standing just to the left of the stage. I'm really looking forward to August.

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